rent a hero
You are Rodrigo. Rodrigo is a hero. You live at the isle Tol Andar and there live many, many other heroes. The problem is, that there are not enough princesses to rescue or dragons to slay for all heroes. At this time Rodrigo is unemployed. Another problem comes from the pirates. These guys want to raid the city Smashville. With the magical gloomstones they want to create flying ships. Confronted with this situation Rodrigo is very disillusioned. Just in time, the dwarf Ramil hires Rodrigo to find his wife Jasmin. Jasmin was captured from the pirates and was held in the city of Endavin. This is the beginning of the story...
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9 part10
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