ek se ek bindas games !!: King of Clubs

King of Clubs  


The sun blazes down relentlessly here in the Nevada desert. Route
66 is nearby but not that many cars pass this way. You could say it’s
rather deserted... but all that is set to change because Big Bubba, the
state’s leading entrepreneur is about to transform this less than lively
location into a thriving tourist attraction! But y' know, you can't be
too careful. Big Bubba has had one hell of an idea for drawing those
tourists and their greenbacks into his new business venture...
This is the setting for King of Clubs - an engaging trick- based action
puzzle game. The game boasts a distinctive vintage Americana
graphics and soundtrack, along with its appealingly humorous
multiplayer mode. The game has 96 levels, including
10 multi-level challenges, plus bonus areas, and offers hours of game
play and a host of gadgets.

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