ek se ek bindas games !!: Riding Star 3

Riding Star 3  


Ride like the world champions! Dip into the most extensive and
graphically complex riding simulation, which gave it ever for PC.
Action filled challenges in jumping, dressage and crosscountry
wait for you and your horse. A Training station for they riders and
horses will lead you piece by piece to success. The World
Champioship stadium in Aachen (largest riding stadium of the world)
loads to the packing final.
An innovative control underlines the realism of the simulation.
* High Res 3D horse model, featuring state of the art real time
software rendering
* Realistic horse and rider animations
* Realistic sound effects and atmospherics
* Authentic commentary during alll events
* Easy to follow navigation guides in all events

game downlaod
01 02 03

mirrors from RFG:
01 02 03
01 02 03
01 02 03
01 02 03

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